26 Jan - 9 Feb 2025
Event/Workshop Details
Sacred Cacao Ceremony Training
I am super excited to announce that I am running “Sacred Cacao Ceremony Training” - 26th Jan - 9th Feb 2025.
Come to Guatemala with me as I combine the training on how to hold and run my version of a beautiful Sacred Cacao Ceremony (which is held as a guided meditation) with meeting the cacao tree and spirit in person and visiting this incredible land full of sacred sites and amazingly beautiful nature – see flyer.
A full itinerary will be available to those who are interested – there are only 10 Places available - if you are interested but can’t make the dates please still get in touch as I will be running another training in the UK in May/June exact dates TBC and possibly another one in Guatemala.
I am beyond excited I have spent many hours planning this adventure and can’t wait to share the magic of both this land and cacao with you.
You will learn everything you need to know about Cacao, it's rich history and traditions and about holding ceremony in a safe way - giving you a way to make an extra income and support people on a healing journey of self discovery and connecting with their higher self or soul essence.