Wyn Tyrie insured
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

Courses Offered:
Therapies Offered:
Ancestral Alchemy Healing is a spiritual/energetic healing modality that addresses The Miasms (Energetic Imprints from diseases our ancestors were exposed to).
It also addresses unresolved shock, trauma, fear and guilt past forward from our ancestors and that which we accumulate in our own lives. These imprints contribute to our unhappiness and our shadow behaviour and carry our pre-disposition to disease patterns.
The healing works from the youngest generation back through 7 generations and all their descendants where ever they be in the world. A complete family healing touches the lives of approximately 4000 people. The healing realigns us with the unconditional love and light of the creator source.
This healing frees the ancestors, gives us a fresh start in life and ensures that all future generations will be born from unconditional love and light.
Sub-Educators offer:
- Ancestral Alchemy Healing
- Havening
- Qualification: Practitioner in Ancestral Alchemy Healing modality
- Reiki
- Spirit Baby Intuitive
- Title: Ancestral Alchemy Healing modality
For more information, take a lok at my website - https://wyntyrieessences.com
We are pleased to offer our training courses through the following IPHM Accredited Educators:
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