Tao Naturea insured
Executive Training Provider


Courses Offered:
The main assumption of Tao Naturea is to make you a Wonderful Massagist.
TaoNaturea is one of the most
famous & friendly massage schools in the UK.
Our goal is to conduct courses that will help you develop your wings and allow you to run your beauty salon with a wide range of massages.
We offer massage courses that no one else teaches. We taught both beginners and professionals-massage therapists and physiotherapists, often also people who want to return to the profession they practised in other countries.
During our course, we share extensive knowledge and experience in the field of marketing in the beauty services industry, and we advise on starting your own business. We are aware of all opportunities and threats, which is why we support the development of our clients. It gives you a guarantee that after the course with us, you will be an unmatched masseur and you will quickly gain a base of loyal customers.
I’m a person who puts all my heart into what I do. I don’t just do it for money.
First of all, doing massage and learning massage gives me great joy. I would like people who will use the services of my students not only to get rid of the pain and feel much better physically but also mentally. An important issue is that the massage helps to switch on positive thinking, which is the most important thing in life!
”Students who come to TaoNaturea training are unique and very ambitious people. I am grateful for such wonderful people who started learning with me...” ~ Monika Tomczyk.
Massage has not only a physical impact on the body but also mentally. Massage is invisible energy and stimulation of all your senses like touch, hearing and sight and smell. The body and psyche form one inseparable integrity. By healing the body, you heal the psyche and by taking care of the psyche you heal the body. A good masseur is one who, in addition to the body, can also take care of the mood in the salon and the client’s psyche.
3 of the best massages we can teach you:
• Swedish Massage *Most Popular* Swedish massage is the most popular massage, can be treated as healing, relaxing, stimulating (depending on the form – intensity). This massage is aimed at improving the psychophysical condition of the patient.
• Ratnaabhyanga Massage *Tao Naturea Favorite* During the massage, we use special stones and crystals – they are unique and are made only for special orders, from raw materials from different regions of India. These are primarily: jaspers, carnelians, aventurine, tiger›s eye, rock crystal, amethyst, lapis lazuli, quartz pink.
• Facelift Massages *New* Facelift massages provide visible and long-lasting effects that are difficult to achieve with other methods. It is a completely natural and non-invasive form of facelift. It improves not only appearance but also our well-being by reducing stress. Contrary to aesthetic medicine treatments it is a completely natural and safe treatment.
London needs the power of human touch!
- Bamboo Massage
- Basic Facials
- Cavitation Peeling
- Chair Massage
- Deep Tissue
- Ear Hopi And Era Conching
- Fee Style Massage
- Hot Stones Massage
- Lomi Lomi
- Manicures
- Onsite Chair Massage
- Pedicures
- Relaxing Massage
- Sport Massage
- Swedish Massage
We are pleased to offer our training courses through the following IPHM Accredited Educators:
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