Soul Consciousness Lab
Executive Training Provider

Courses Offered:
We are "Soul Consciousness Lab", an Institute which Offers Training, Therapy & Soul Consciousness .
We are based in Bangalore, India and provide world class Professional Training and Therapy in Alternative healing modalities Online and Offline throughout the World.
The company is led by Mrs. Rashhi Sharma, who is one of the topmost qualified Trainers and Therapist of the World and offer Basic to Advanced Level Training Certification Programs & Therapy Services in -
- Clinical Hypnotherapy, NGH USA Certification
- Transpersonal Hypnotherapy
- Past Life Regression
- Future Life Progression
- Shamanic Healing
- Akashic Records Reading
- Consciousness Expansion
- Out of Body Experience & Astral Travel
- Becoming a Psychic
- Psychokinesis
- Energy Medicine
- Intuition work
- Psychic Healing
- Hypnotherapy
- Self-Hypnosis & Manifestation
Mrs. Rashhi Sharma, the therapist has trained & Certified extensively with the top and most reputed therapists of the world.
Therapist and Trainer with #1 International certifications:
- Certified Instructor of Hypnosis, NGH USA
- Certified Past Life Regression Therapist (USA/UK)
- Certified Future Life Progression Therapist (UK)
- Certified Life Between Lives Hypnotherapist by Michael Newton Institute, USA
- NGH Certified Hypnotherapist (USA)
- Certified Psychic (UK)
- Certified Intuition Expert (UK)
- Certified Akashic Record Reader (UK)
- Certified Master Hypnotist (USA, UK, Dubai)
- Certified Shamanic Practitioner (Indonesia, Thailand)
- Certified for Energy Medicine by Dr Brian Dailey at The Monroe Institute USA
- Certified for Remote Viewing by Joe McMoneagle at The Monroe Institute USA
- Certified for Out of Body Travel at The Monroe Institute USA
- Certified for Spiritual Mediumship with Suzanne Giesmann at The Monroe Institute USA
- Certified for Psychokinesis at The Monroe Institute USA
Her Mentors include:
#Don Mottin VP, NGH USA, in USA for becoming Certified Instructor of Hypnotherapy, NGH USA
#Paul Aurand in Italy for Michael Newton Institute's Life Between Lives Therapy session
#Dr. Brian Weiss in USA, (Past Life Regression)
#Cal Banyan in USA (Advanced Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression)
#Anne Jirsch in UK/Dubai (Advanced Future Life Progression, Advanced Past Life Regression, Psychic, Intuition Expert, Akashic Records Reader)
#Paul Aurand in USA (Advanced Past Life Regression & Hypnotherapy)
#Allison in ITALY (Life Between Lives Therapy, LBL
#Kevin B Turner in Thailand/Indonesia (Shamanic Practitioner)
#Certified for Intuition Expertise & Psychic Work by Anne Jirsch, UK
#Certified Shamanic Practitioner with Kevin B Turner, from Faculty of Shamanic Studies (FSS), USA
#Certified for Akashic Records Reading by Anne Jirsch, UK
#Certified for Consciousness Expansion - The Monroe Institute, USA
#Certified Out of Body Expert by The Monroe Institute, USA
#Certified for Energy Medicine by Dr Brian Dailey, USA at the Monroe Institute, USA
#Certified for Remote Viewing by Joe Mcmoneagle in the USA at The Monroe Institute
#Certified for Spiritual Mediumship by Suzanne Giesemann in the USA
So, if you are looking for the best internationally certified Trainer & Therapist who has achieved 100% success rates in her Training and Therapy, And If you want to start your own Professional Practice in any of the modalities listed and would like to train with her, and leap ahead in your career using the most advanced tools and techniques she would share, do JOIN US TODAY!!
Soul Consciousness Lab
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With Love and Light,
Soul Consciousness Lab
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