Sandira Magnusson - Chi Sound Healing
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

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Sandira Magnusson - Chi Sound Healing
Sandira is the only Certified Vibrational Sound Master Teacher using the Soma Energetics Vitality technique in Europe to date. She has many years experience both as a practitioner and teacher. Sandira specialized in the Solfeggio Tuning Forks, both Auditory and weighted as well as many other Tuning Forks.
This is a two part, hands on course, followed by a short online ethics course. More information is available at
Sandira is always happy to chat about your needs, expectations and to tailor a class to suit you.
We tune our cars, we tune our piano's. Now we can tune our bodies. When the mind is relaxed, the body relaxes, and when the body relaxes, we heal ourselves.
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