Michelle Anne Bulmer insured
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner


Courses Offered:
Therapies Offered:
Reiki Therapy
Reiki Therapy- Reiki is a Japanese palm healing technique for stress reduction and relaxation, that also promotes healing. The cost of this therapy is £40.
Learning Reiki is a good starting point for experiencing and working with healing energy and a wonderful method for deepening awareness of universal energy. There are four levels of Reiki in which anyone can be trained to.
Reiki Level 1 – This is the basic level of Reiki which is only used on family and friends only. The cost of this course is £150. This course is one whole day of training with a manual included. You will be expected to complete three case studies before you receive your certification.
Reiki Level 2 – This level can be done at least 3 months after Reiki level 1 has been completed. This level will allow you to work as a professional Reiki therapist. The cost of this course is £200. This course is one whole day training with a manual included. You will be expected to complete five case studies before you receive your certification. If you have completed your Reiki Level 1 with a different Reiki Master Teacher, I will need to see your Reiki Level 1 certificate, linage, and manual before booking Reiki Level 2.
Reiki Master Level – This level can be done at least after 3 months after completing Reiki Level 2. Although, most people leave it longer. The energy sharing at this level is much greater. The cost of this course is £300. This is one whole day training with a manual included. You will be expected to complete fifteen case studies before you receive your certification. If you have completed your Reiki Level 2 with a different Reiki Master Teacher, I will need to see your Reiki Level 2 certificate, linage, and manual before booking the Reiki Master level.
Reiki Master Teacher Level – This level can be done at least 6 months after the completion of the Reiki Master Level. The cost of this course is £600. This course is held over two days. This will include a day’s training and where you will have to produce four manuals to train others to become a Reiki therapist. You will be expected to complete your manuals and the Reiki attunement process before you receive your certification. If you have completed your Reiki Masters level with a different Reiki Master Teacher, I will need to see your Reiki Masters certificate, linage, and manual before booking the Reiki Master Teacher level.
I do offer different workshops and meditations throughout the year. Further information about these are posted on my Facebook page: Little White Spells.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me on the following:
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