Metatron Attunements insured

Executive Training Provider

Metatron Attunements


Florida, United States
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Metatron Attunements

Courses Offered:

Goddess Metatreiya Light Silent Distant Energy Session Goddess Metatreiya Silent Distant Energy Attunement Therapist/Practitioner Course Intuitive Healer Attunement - Silent Distant Source Light Practitioner/Therapist Course Leadership & Development Of Self To Lead & Develop Others Course/ Teacher – Certification Meditation Practitioner / Teacher Certification Course Meta Metatronia Energy Therapist Attunement - Silent Distant Source Light Practitioner/Therapist Course TR Meditation Practitioner / Teacher MT Metatronia Metaphysician Training at Metatron Attunements Training and Attunements to those on their path of Light

Metatron Attunements

I am Janett Wawrzyniak, Ph.D. A Metatronia therapist through the Metatronia Foundation of Light (MTFOL). The MTFOL is an accredited and approved global training organization, I am assisting through Metatronia Source vibration in the light evolutionary process.

I work directly as a Higher Center Communicator & Scribe, a path link with the Divine Universal Light as Psychic Teacher, Alchemical Energist, and High Quantum Energy Healer.

I offer training and assist those on their Ascension Journey path of enlightenment to know for themselves, the Divine truth through the light of the One Source and Universal Coding at Metatron Attunements - Divine Alignments Healing - Attunements, Distant by Source Light, an alignment to Source.

Metatronia Light Counsellor in relation to: advising others from a higher conscious state, working directly with and through Source, to deliver vibrational expansion, guidance, insight and assistance. This level of counsel is not the same as "conventional" counselling. It works through the simplicity of light connection that aids the vessel in aligning with its divine blueprint. Through the silent workings of Source Metatronia Light Counsellors are able to very swiftly align all aspects of the vessel with particular focus on areas that would normally require hours, perhaps months of conventional counselling sessions. 

Metatronia Metaphysician in relation to: Energy Healing, Light Counsel. Some are multi-disciplined and offer a variety of support services. Encompassing the teachings of Archangel Metatron who is here at this time to assist the light evolution of mankind., 

Metatronia Child Practitioner in relation to: Healing/Alignment  sessions, Light Attunements, Counselling, Meditation & Child Lightworker support.

For more information please visit my website!


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