Light of the Soul insured
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner


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Gemma Jones is an accomplished energy healing practitioner and Soul Reader whose methods have evolved over her years of practice to include abilities of interpreting energy of the soul and translating it into messages and/or healing as guided.
Her techniques combine the learnings through her own training in Esoteric Healing with the INEH as well as practices and healing methods taught and remembered through her studies on Shamanism, Ayurveda, Sekhem Heka, Metaphysical & Alchemical Healing, Subtle Body Anatomy training and much more.
Gemma has worked to create an intuitive blend and method of healing and energy sensitivity that allows for all the knowledge she has learned, as well as the natural spiritual gifts she has mastered to create a healing technique that is gently powerful, reveals root causes and brings about change in all aspects of life to those who receive the healing. Gemma runs a Studio called The Sactuary which is dedicated to the opening and awareness of Spirituality, Sacredness & Self Empowerment where she holds Cacao Ceremonies, Meditation & Development Circles, Healing sessions and Soul Readings.
Gemma works closely with her Soul & Spirit teachers who have assisted and guided her to bring through her remembered gifts that she has held for many lifetimes. These gifts include teaching and holding space for mystic teachings, self empowerment, spiritual enhancement and most importantly embodying and bringing the Soul and Spirit aspects of who we are as Humans (Sacred Vessels) into the daily lives we lead. Gemma believes that this is the path to ascension of Earth and all her children - it arrives through us.
Gemma has an intimate and confident connection with many of her guides, including the Neteru (gods & goddesses of Egypt), plant spirits such as Cacao & Blue Lotus, Animal and elemental guides and Ascended Masters. Working closely with these illumined Beings, Gemma is a conduit for bringing great ancient teachings into the awareness of the collective and respectfully carrying forward the ways of the Ancients - for our ancestors of the times to come.
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