Jonathan Royle Hypnotist
Executive Training Provider

Courses Offered:
Courses Offered:
1) Advanced Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming = NLP
- (Endorsed by The Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioners Association = NLPPA)
2) Advanced Master Practitioner of Clinical Hypnotherapy
- (Accredited by The United Kingdom Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy UKBCH)
3) Advanced Practitioner of Sanomentology
4) Celebrity Lifestyle Coaching Practitioner
- (Accredited by International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine = IPHM)
5) Complete Mind Therapy = CMT
- (The Proven One Session Treatment Approach for Most All Habits, Addictions, Fears, Phobias and other Issues from A through to Z)
6) Complete Unconscious Reprogramming of Emotional Disease & Distress = CURED
- (Use this to give your clients the “CURE” to their problem to help ensure they leave your office C.U.R.E.D.)
7) Drug Release Therapy = DRT
- (Dissolve Regrets & Resentment, Understand Guilt & Grief. – Release & Reprogramme Emotional Learnings, Eliminate Anger, Anguish, Anxiety & Stress as you Strengthen and Energize Positively)
8) Hypnotic Over-Ride Pain Elimination = HOPE
- (Use this to Help Clients Overcome & Eliminate Pain Issues and also to give them HOPE for a better life)
9) Hypnotic Plastic Surgery = HPS
- (The Non Invasive Alternative to Cosmetic Surgical Procedures)
10) Inner Revision Therapy = IRT
- (A Rapid form of Hypno-Analysis to find the root cause of long-term emotional issues and then to positively and permanently remove the symptom’s and side effects that used to cause the client issues)
11) Master Practitioner of Rapid Instant Change Hypnosis = R.I.C.H.
12) Mind Emotion Liberation Techniques = MELT
- (Use these techniques to help your clients MELT their problems away often in a matter of minutes)
13) Past Life Regression = PLR & Future Life Progression = FLP
14) Person Cantered Psychotherapy = PCP
- (Positive Emotional Responses & Switch Off Negatives)
15) Pricknosis - The Needle Free Hypnotic Weight Loss Hypno Mind Jab Solution
16) Psycho/Physio Energetic Alignment of Changing Energies & Emotions = PEACE
- (Use these techniques to give your clients PEACE of Mind and also to help ensure that they have Inner PEACE)
17) Reiki Energy Healing Practitioner Level One
18) Reiki Energy Healing Practitioner Level Two
19) Reiki Energy Healing Master & Trainers Level
20) Stage Hypnosis & Street Hypnotism
- Mental Acceptance, Growth & Internal Change
- Waving A Psychological Magic Wand to Make Your Life Better
22) Time Trance-Formation Therapy & Mind Hacks to the Future
23) Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis – The Complete Mind Therapy Approach.
- (The Far more affordable and also Non Surgical and therefore Safer Alternative to Invasive Gastric Band Weight Loss Surgery)
We also offer training up to Master Trainer Level in all of the above named modalities to
enable you to then set up your own Professional Accredited Training School.
There is also have a full range of other related Home Study Courses and Practice Building
tools, together with Encyclopedic Books available from our site of
You may also find what you are looking for in our online store at -
All course details are located at
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