International Education and Scientific Development Academy insured
Executive Training Provider

Courses Offered:
International Education and Scientific Development Academy
Doctoral Candidate Zahid Əliyev
Doctoral Candidate at Azerbaijan State Academy of National Sciences, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Philosophy and Sociology.
Master's Degree from Azerbaijan State Oil Academy.
Certificates and Courses:
Completed various courses spanning a total of 6 years in Psychology, Parapsychology, Alternative Medicine, Bioenergy, and Clairvoyance.
International Experience:
Acquired diverse experiences in this field abroad.
Authored a total of 30 books on a range of topics. Amongst these are works on parapsychology, psychology, and metaphysics.
Has been imparting education in this domain for approximately 30 years, sharing invaluable practical knowledge as an experienced department head.
1. General Psychology
Description: An introductory course on the fundamental concepts, theories, and approaches of psychology.
Content: History of psychology, primary approaches (cognitive, behavioural, psychoanalytic, etc.), theories of learning, memory, perception, emotions, and motivation.
Duration: Approximately 240 hours (12 months).
2. Developmental Psychology
Description: A study of the stages humans undergo from birth to death and the physical, cognitive, and social changes that occur during these stages.
Content: Developmental changes during newborn, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age, developmental theories, developmental issues, and intervention methods.
Duration: Approximately 240 hours (12 months).
3. Social Psychology
Description: A branch of psychology that examines individuals' social interactions, group dynamics, and reactions to societal events.
Content: Social perception, attitudes, prejudices, social interactions, leadership, intra-group and inter-group dynamics, reactions to social events.
Duration: Approximately 240 hours (12 months).
4. Research Methods in Psychology
Description: A course on how psychological research is designed, conducted, and interpreted.
Content: Research methodologies, experimental and observational research, statistical analyses, ethical considerations.
Duration: Approximately 240 hours (12 months).
5. Alternative Medicine Courses
Introduction: What is Alternative Medicine?
Description: A branch that studies treatment methods outside of traditional medicine.
Content: History of alternative medicine, its fundamental principles, and methods used (acupuncture, homeopathy, naturopathy, etc.).
Duration: Approximately 240 hours (12 months).
6. Parapsychological and Metaphysical Courses
Description: A scientific study of supernatural events, abilities, and phenomena.
Content: Telepathy, telekinesis, astral travel, energy fields, aura knowledge, energy meridians.
Duration: Approximately 240 hours (12 months).
7. Reiki Course
Description: A study of how universal life energy is used for individual healing.
Content: History and origins of Reiki, energy meridians, chakra systems, Reiki symbols, techniques for distant healing, energy transfer, use of Reiki in physical, mental, and emotional healing.
Duration: Approximately 240 hours (12 months).
8. Yoga Course
Description: Ancient Indian practices to balance the body, mind, and spirit.
Content: History and philosophy of Yoga, basic yoga poses (asana), breathing techniques (pranayama), health benefits of Yoga, meditation, deep relaxation techniques, chakra systems, energy balance.
Duration: Approximately 240 hours (12 months).
9. Meditation Course
Description: A practice used to calm the mind, focus, and find inner peace.
Content: History of meditation, different meditation techniques, mindfulness meditation, transcendental meditation, mantra usage, effects of meditation on stress, anxiety, depression, breathing techniques.
Duration: Approximately 240 hours (12 months).
10. Personal Development and Coaching Course
Description: A guidance process to help individuals discover their potential and achieve their goals.
Content: Differences between coaching and mentoring, effective communication techniques, active listening, goal setting, action plan creation, tools and techniques used in personal development, ethics and professionalism in coaching.
Duration: Approximately 240 hours (12 months).
11. Basic Energy Sensing with Pendulum Course
Description: Understanding how the pendulum reacts to energy fields and developing the ability to sense these energies.
Content: What is a pendulum? Its history and applications, techniques for sensing energy fields with a pendulum, checking chakra balance with a pendulum, meanings of pendulum movements: yes, no, uncertain, energy cleansing, energy elevation with a pendulum.
Duration: Approximately 240 hours (12 months).
12. Advanced Energy Work with Pendulum Course
Description: In-depth work in energy fields using a pendulum and optimizing energy balance.
Content: Aura cleansing, resolving energy blockages with a pendulum, balancing energy meridians with a pendulum, energy transfer, healing works with a pendulum, meditation, deep energy works with a pendulum, sending and receiving energy remotely with a pendulum.
Duration: Approximately 240 hours (12 months).
13. Radiesthesia and Geopathic Stress Studies with Pendulum Course
Description: Using a pendulum to detect earth energies, water veins, and geopathic stress zones.
Content: What is Radiesthesia? Basic principles and history, detecting water veins, energy lines, geopathic stress zones with a pendulum, effects of geopathic stress on health, energy mapping, optimizing energy balance with a pendulum, creating energy protection, energy shields with a pendulum.
Duration: Approximately 240 hours (12 months).
Parapsychological and Metaphysical Courses:
Description: A scientific study of supernatural events, abilities, and phenomena. This comprehensive course delves deep into the mysteries of the metaphysical world, blending ancient wisdom with modern scientific principles.
Duration: Each course lasts approximately 240 hours, spread over 12 months.
Telepathy: Understanding the science and art of mind-to-mind communication.
Telekinesis: Exploring the potential of mind over matter and the power of intention.
Astral Travel: Techniques and experiences of out-of-body exploration.
Energy Fields: Studying the electromagnetic fields around living organisms and their significance.
Aura Knowledge: Learning to perceive, interpret, and influence the energy layers surrounding individuals.
Energy Meridians: An in-depth look at the energy pathways in the human body and their role in health and well-being.
Quantum Mechanics: Delving into the fundamental principles of quantum physics and its implications for understanding reality.
Nature of Consciousness: Exploring the essence of awareness, thought, and the self.
General Psychology
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