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IPHM is the ONLY Global Holistic Training Provider Certification Board specialising in high- quality Holistic & Complementary Training Providers
You can use our database of certified Training Providers to help you find who will be right for you, knowing full well that every provider on this list has been through a rigorous process that proves they are tried, tested, and trusted.
You can feel safe in the knowledge that any Training Provider with an IPHM certification can be trusted to deliver a fantastic service, meaning you will feel more at ease and confident when picking the right course and provider for you.
Consider asking the following questions to your training provider: How long have they been in the industry? Do they have a portfolio of their work? What qualifications do they hold? Are there any positive reviews available? How large are the class sizes? Does the training package come with a complete kit? Do they offer ongoing support beyond the training period? Researching these aspects will help you make an informed decision when selecting a training provider.
Gaining sufficient training and experience is crucial for you to feel at ease while performing treatments on your clients. It involves learning the correct techniques and understanding how to handle issues that you may encounter regularly. This knowledge is essential for dealing with clients effectively and ensuring their satisfaction.
Are the courses they offer fully accredited?
It is crucial to ensure that your training provider is fully accredited. We have observed many instances where recently qualified therapists have approached us with qualifications that are not fully accredited, leading to disappointment when we cannot accept them as IPHM approved therapists.
It is therefore recommended that you verify the accreditation status of your course before enroling to avoid such situations. IPHM accredits both the course and the provider as a package. If a course isn't listed on our website, it means it hasn't been assessed or accredited by us. We encourage you to use our website as a reliable resource to check the accreditation status of courses and providers. This ensures that you have peace of mind knowing that the training you're considering meets our standards. Your trust in the quality of education is paramount to us, and we're committed to maintaining transparency and excellence in the courses we accredit.
Training with an IPHM Training Provider:
We will recognise an individual as a professional therapist, should they choose to join us, provided that they have received training from an IPHM accredited trainer.
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Showing 691 to 720 of 903 training providers for Holistic/Spiritual:
Shirley Pettinger Reiki Master Teacher
Training Provider

Offering Workshops in Reiki All Levels …
Shivani Jain
Training Provider

Reiki Level 1| …
ShivEnergetics Reiki Academy
Training Provider

Crystal Training | Energetic Map Shifting Modality | Pendulum Training | Psychic Meditation | Psychometry | Reiki Levels 1-9 | …
Silent Whispers Ltd
Training Provider

Horse Whispering For Beginners | Horse Whispering For Health | Equine Assisted Therapy Practitioner Training …
Simone Jones
Training Provider

Accessions Course | Gary Taylor - Psychic Surgery | Mediumship Development | Meditation | Protection | Reiki Master Teacher | …
Simone Salvatici
Training Provider

Sound Therapy Practitioner Course …
Simone Whyte
Training Provider

Educator for Sanctuary of SophiaSimone Whyte is a sub-educator on behalf of Sanctuary of Sophia.
Simply Feeling Good
Training Provider

Unique Soul Healing Foundation Course | Unique Soul Healing Practitioners Course | Unique Soul Healing Master and Teachers Course …
Simy Crystal Therapies
Executive Training Provider

Welcome to Simy Crystal Therapies ✨ I am Simy, your Crystal Therapist & Meditation Coach. I am originally from Italy and I live in Southwick (Brighton & Hove) where I started my meditation …
Skylar Acamesis
Training Provider

Hi, I'm Skylar I awaken and inspire women to become the creatrix of their own bodies with love. The good news is that there are proven ways to successfully heal illness. It’s what I call miracles …
Society for Energy & Emotions
Training Provider

220 Hrs Certification in Integrated Regression Therapy and Life Coaching (Six Modules) | Practitioner & Master Practitioner Certification in Naad Yoga (Sound Healing) | 225 Hrs Integrated Regression Therapy & Life Coaching Certification Training & Research for Therapists | Society for Energy & Emotions …
Sonic Temple - Marko Zigon
Executive Training Provider

Sonic Temple Marko Zigon has been connected to Sound since 1993. Trained in classical music (Tuba and Percussions) he later formed a band and performed more than 500 live shows - recording 2 studio …
Soul Architect Academy SRL
Training Provider

Course Title: Sirius Healing Activation – By Soul Architect | Qualification Awarded: Certified Sirius Healing Practitioner and Therapist – By Soul Architect …
Soul Awakening Academy
Executive Training Provider

Soul Awakening Academy. START LIVING YOUR FULL POTENTIAL TODAY. At the Soul Awakening Academy we train you to become an empowered spiritual coach or energy healer & give you powerful & proven …
Soul Center Healing Hypnosis®
Executive Training Provider

Soul Center Healing Hypnosis is a Hypnotherapy technique and modality that helps the client remove all Entities that are attached to their Energetic Body. Our emotions are the gateway in this life to …
Soul Crystals Academy
Training Provider

Chakra Balancing & Aura Healing Diploma | Crystal Healing Practitioner Diploma | Tarot Reading Diploma | …
Soul Guidance Healing
Training Provider

Soul Guidance Healing The Shamans Path - Journey to Your Soul This course takes place over 9 months , monthly sessions either in Person or virtual. The content of the course will provide you with a …
Soul Healing Tribe LLC
Training Provider

Dream Regression Technique (DRT) - An Expertly Crafted Method to Decipher Dream / Nightmares, Trance Regression, Work with Spirit Guides and Unknown Energies to decipher the messages, experience healing and deep understanding| …
Soul Nurturing with Jo Dance
Executive Training Provider

Soul Nurturing with Jo Dance Hello, my name is Jo Dance, and I love helping others to reflect, release and realign with the calling of their soul. I deliver a variety of workshops and training for …
Soul of Equus Healing
Training Provider

Psychic Development- Awakening The 3rd Eye | …
Soul School
Training Provider

Educator for Mind Body Education Pty LtdSinead Casey is a sub-educator on behalf of Mind Body Education Pty Ltd …
Soul Therapy School®
Executive Training Provider

Soul Therapy School® is dedicated to women globally offering her interdisciplinary training in beginner and advanced healing methods to heal at the core of one's generational lineage. Offering …
Soulful Wisdom Academy
Training Provider

Shamanic Dragon Priestess - Initiation practitioner Course - Usui Reiki| …
Soulfull Living Academy
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

The Soulfull Living Academy helps the spiritually curious to reclaim their authentic power and create a truly fulfilled life. Offering Reiki & Reiki-Drum Practioner and Teacher training and very …
Soulshine Holistic
Training Provider

A Beginners Guide To Crystals | A Beginners Guide To Pendulum Healing | Manifesting With Pendulum Power | Usui Reiki - Level 1, 2 And Master Teacher | …
Sound Healing School UK
Training Provider

Sub-educator offers: | Basics of Sound Healing | Certificate In Sound Therapy | Sound Therapy Diploma …
Training Provider

Frequency Tubes Diploma And Trainer | Gong Practitioner And Energy Healing Advanced Diploma | Gong Practitioner And Energy Healing | Diploma. Including Other Sound Instruments | Gong Trainer And Energy Healing Diploma …
Southside Spiritual
Training Provider

Cold Therapy Facilitator | Breathwork Facilitator | Master Breathwork Facilitator | Southside Spiritual Facilitator …
Spazio Alternativo, Centro de Estudios de Medicina Alternativa
Training Provider

Curso Basico Auriculoterapia | Curso De Angeloterapia | Curso De Curaciones Tradicionales | Curso De Pendulo Hebreo | Curso De Herbolaria|Diplomado Medicina Cuantica | Curso De Par Biomagnetico | Curso De Registros Akashikos | De Homeopatía Y Homotoxicología|Diplomado De Acupuntura | Diplomado | Estetica Diplomado | Geometria Sagrada Angelical Diplomado | Medicina Alternativa Con Bioenergia | Reiki Master | …
SPC Therapy Academy
Executive Training Provider

S.P.C Therapy Amar Akbar I am Amar Akbar, a Chartered Physiotherapist (BSc and MSc) working for the NHS, governed by HCPC and the CEO of S.P.C Therapy. S.P.C Therapy stands for Sports, Physio and …
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