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IPHM is the ONLY Global Holistic Training Provider Certification Board specialising in high- quality Holistic & Complementary Training Providers
You can use our database of certified Training Providers to help you find who will be right for you, knowing full well that every provider on this list has been through a rigorous process that proves they are tried, tested, and trusted.
You can feel safe in the knowledge that any Training Provider with an IPHM certification can be trusted to deliver a fantastic service, meaning you will feel more at ease and confident when picking the right course and provider for you.
Consider asking the following questions to your training provider: How long have they been in the industry? Do they have a portfolio of their work? What qualifications do they hold? Are there any positive reviews available? How large are the class sizes? Does the training package come with a complete kit? Do they offer ongoing support beyond the training period? Researching these aspects will help you make an informed decision when selecting a training provider.
Gaining sufficient training and experience is crucial for you to feel at ease while performing treatments on your clients. It involves learning the correct techniques and understanding how to handle issues that you may encounter regularly. This knowledge is essential for dealing with clients effectively and ensuring their satisfaction.
Are the courses they offer fully accredited?
It is crucial to ensure that your training provider is fully accredited. We have observed many instances where recently qualified therapists have approached us with qualifications that are not fully accredited, leading to disappointment when we cannot accept them as IPHM approved therapists.
It is therefore recommended that you verify the accreditation status of your course before enroling to avoid such situations. IPHM accredits both the course and the provider as a package. If a course isn't listed on our website, it means it hasn't been assessed or accredited by us. We encourage you to use our website as a reliable resource to check the accreditation status of courses and providers. This ensures that you have peace of mind knowing that the training you're considering meets our standards. Your trust in the quality of education is paramount to us, and we're committed to maintaining transparency and excellence in the courses we accredit.
Training with an IPHM Training Provider:
We will recognise an individual as a professional therapist, should they choose to join us, provided that they have received training from an IPHM accredited trainer.
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Showing 1 to 30 of 651 training providers for Health/Wellness:
'The Skin Whisperers'
Executive Training Provider

Would you like to become a fully certified and accredited Facial Gua Sha Therapist or Teacher? IPHM accredited Therapist and Teacher Training Courses developed By Katie Blake. Uncover the secrets of …
A Muse'e Aroma College
Executive Training Provider

KUO YING YU A Muse'e Aroma College Fragrance is a combination of souls, making fragrance a part of life and enriching a beautiful life. Courses accredited by IPHM: Aroma Designer World Aroma Travel …
A.I.S.O. Accademia Italiana Scienze Olistiche
Executive Training Provider

Vivi con intenzione, respira con consapevolezza. Mindfulness per un'anima serena Trasforma i tuoi pensieri Trasforma la tua vita.
Aakashic Cosmic Healing
Executive Training Provider

Aakashic Cosmic Healing If you are committed to changing your life and healing your past, then you have come to the right place. Be it depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, or any other issues you may …
Abbazia di Montecuccoli - Monastero del Silenzio
Training Provider

Corso di Operatore di Astrologia Alchemica e Medicina Spagyrica | Corso di Meditazione Yeshua | Corso di Demonologia e Angelologia | Corso di Autoguarigione | Corso di comunicazione con gli animali | Corso Biennale di Naturopatia …
Abha Sinha
Executive Training Provider

A Wellbeing Valey by ABHA SINHA Abha Sinha with expertise in mind, emotion, energy and metaphysics. Holistic Integrative Wellbeing Coach, Abha Sinha of Wellbeing Valiy has almost a decade of …
Abir Darwish
Training Provider

Body Types | Hijama Introduction And History | Physiology And Anatomy Simplified | Practice | Step By Step Hijama And Points | …
Academy for International Science and Research
Executive Training Provider

Academy for International Science and Research ~Terence McIvo~ I have have received awards from Brainz Magazine for my services as a thought leader in the areas of: Leadership, Sales Performance …
Academy of Healing Nutrition
Training Provider

Certificate In Nutrition & Holistic Health Coaching With Online & In-Person Options Available | Different Constitutional Body Types | Practical Cooking For Radiant Health & Longevity | Topics Covered Include: An Introduction To Natural Healing | Understanding Traditional Chinese Medicine And Food Energetics | …
Academy of Holistic Wellness
Executive Training Provider

Welcome to The Academy of Holistic Wellness Join Lexi Gaia Verano, a renowned Reiki Master/Teacher, Crystal Reiki Master, Angelic Reiki Master, Angel Therapist and certified Animal Reiki …
Academy of Infinity (PVT) Ltd.
Training Provider

Acupuncture | Advanced Sport Massage | Certificate In Herbal Drugs Manufacturing | Certificate In Marma Therapy In Ayurveda | Cosmetology | Diploma In Acupuncture | Diploma In Ayurveda Beauty Therapy | Diploma In Reflexology Massage | Diploma In Remedial Massage & Aromatherapy | Diploma In Yoga Training & Management | Dry Needling Workshop | Food And Nutrition - NVQ Level 04 | IASTM Workshop | Rehabilitation Counselling | Rehabilitation Counselling Cupping Workshop | Sport Massage Therapy - NVQ Level 04 | Sport Masseur – NVQ L-4 | Taping Workshop | Cupping Therapy | …
Academy of Modern Shamanism
Training Provider

Foundation Weekend | Online Accredited Professional Trainings (With Optional in Person Masterclass Retreats) | Shamanic Practitioner & Energy Healer | Shamanic Space Clearing & Geomancy Consultant | Six-Month Practitioner Training | Twelve-Month Advanced Practitioner Training | …
Academy of Modern Tantra
Training Provider

Tantra Practitioner Training Course| …
Accademia Icheiron
Executive Training Provider

Versione Italiana Accademia Icheiron nasce come luogo di Apprendimento per l'Anima e la Mente. Un luogo dove diversi insegnanti motivati dallo stesso spirito, hanno deciso di condividere le proprie …
Training Provider

Formazione in Naturopatia Applicata| …
Training Provider

Akashic Reading | KP Astrology | Master In Vedic Astrology | Predictive Vedic Astrology | Professional Tarot Learning | Professional Vastu …
Active Health Group
Executive Training Provider

Active Health Group Established in 2000, Active Health Group have consistently provided the highest quality training in Health, Therapy, Wellness and Coaching. Our wide portfolio includes online and …
Active Rainbow
Executive Training Provider

Active Rainbow Active Rainbow provides a spectrum of activities for the body and mind. We offer courses in our community, working closely with Calderdale Council and the health and social care teams.
Aditi Nirvaan
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

Wellness Business Coach Flow and Elite Performance Coach ABOUT ME ~ Who am I? I’ve been on a quest for two things my entire life. Truth and Love... And I found them within. Armed with a wicked sense …
Agnes T McCluskey - Colour Energy Therapies
Executive Training Provider

Thank you for visiting my profile. I am qualified as a teacher/therapist in a wide range of Energy Healing Systems. Courses are taught both as In Person and also as Live Stream or Online Courses.
Aics Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecniche Olistiche
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

Welcome! I'm Graziano Scarascia, dedicated to enhancing holistic well-being through a blend of clinical psychology, alternative therapies, and martial arts. With over 35 years of experience, I …
Alchemy of Touch - Transformational Bodywork Academy
Training Provider

Alchemy of Touch is designed to elevate massage and bodywork to a new level, using different techniques from the Eastern and Western world into a single harmonized approach, profound physical …
Aldeia NeuroBehaviour Institute
Training Provider

Complete Neurofeedback and Behaviour Practitioner Course | Introduction to Neurofeedback and Behaviour Practitioner Course | Spotting Struggles: A Teacher’s Guide to Supporting Students in Need | The Brain, Senses and Behaviour …
Alison Shaloe
Training Provider

Educator for Wyn TyrieAlison Shaloe is a sub-educator on behalf of Wyn Tyrie.
Alma Oasis
Training Provider

Forest Therapy | Permaculture | Survival Instructor | Urban Agriculture | Wilderness Survival Instructor | Natural Building Certification | …
Executive Training Provider

AlmaHolistica The services that I provide are with love and the value of exchange. You will also be able to find the biggest upcoming events (the small workshops you will be able to know when the …
Alternative Medicine College of Canada
Training Provider

Bio-Energetician | Homeopath | Natural Health Practitioner | Naturopath | Nutritherapy | …
Amanda Davis
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

Amanda Davis is a professional emotional and mental health mentor, trainer and supervisor, with extensive experience in providing holistic support through embodiment practices, conscious connected …
Amanda Norman
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

Allow me to share with you, my passion for holistic therapy and teaching. I have over ten years experience of teaching in the adult sector thanks to my previous career within facilities management.
Amara Health Courses
Executive Training Provider

Amara Health Courses Amara Health Courses provide accredited online distance learning courses worldwide. I have been practising Holistic Therapies since 2006; and teaching practical Massage …
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