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IPHM is the ONLY Global Holistic Training Provider Certification Board specialising in high- quality Holistic & Complementary Training Providers
You can use our database of certified Training Providers to help you find who will be right for you, knowing full well that every provider on this list has been through a rigorous process that proves they are tried, tested, and trusted.
You can feel safe in the knowledge that any Training Provider with an IPHM certification can be trusted to deliver a fantastic service, meaning you will feel more at ease and confident when picking the right course and provider for you.
Consider asking the following questions to your training provider: How long have they been in the industry? Do they have a portfolio of their work? What qualifications do they hold? Are there any positive reviews available? How large are the class sizes? Does the training package come with a complete kit? Do they offer ongoing support beyond the training period? Researching these aspects will help you make an informed decision when selecting a training provider.
Gaining sufficient training and experience is crucial for you to feel at ease while performing treatments on your clients. It involves learning the correct techniques and understanding how to handle issues that you may encounter regularly. This knowledge is essential for dealing with clients effectively and ensuring their satisfaction.
Are the courses they offer fully accredited?
It is crucial to ensure that your training provider is fully accredited. We have observed many instances where recently qualified therapists have approached us with qualifications that are not fully accredited, leading to disappointment when we cannot accept them as IPHM approved therapists.
It is therefore recommended that you verify the accreditation status of your course before enroling to avoid such situations. IPHM accredits both the course and the provider as a package. If a course isn't listed on our website, it means it hasn't been assessed or accredited by us. We encourage you to use our website as a reliable resource to check the accreditation status of courses and providers. This ensures that you have peace of mind knowing that the training you're considering meets our standards. Your trust in the quality of education is paramount to us, and we're committed to maintaining transparency and excellence in the courses we accredit.
Training with an IPHM Training Provider:
We will recognise an individual as a professional therapist, should they choose to join us, provided that they have received training from an IPHM accredited trainer.
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Showing 91 to 120 of 319 training providers for Counselling/Coaching:
Foot Health College
Training Provider

Business Management | Foot Health Practitioner | Nail Reconstruction | Medical Pedicure | Paddings and Dressing | Foot Reflexology | Thai Foot Care | Advanced Reflexology | Level 4 Foot Health …
Training Provider

Coach En Reconversion Professionnelle | Meditation | Naturopathie Nutrition & Cure Detox | Nutrition & Cure Detox | Psychop Formation En Cosmétiques Maison & Aromathérapie | Psychopraticien | Sophrologie | …
Fountain Of Light School
Training Provider

Level 1 -Mindfulness & Meditation Course, 8 Weeks | Level 2 - Going Deeper Meditation Course, 7 Weeks | Level 3 -Going Beyond Meditation Course for Light-work | Healing & Ascension | Awakening to Channel | Learning to Channel & Prepare for Ascension …
Future Academy
Executive Training Provider

Future Academy We are a training school that focuses on multimedia video content, qualified teachers and industry professionals who have held over 300 video courses available on our platform in …
Future Wellbeing
Training Provider

Holistic Body Therapist | Holistic Breath Coach | Holistic Energy Healer | Holistic Sound Therapist | Integrated Holistic Coach | Integrated Holistic Therapist …
Gaby Barbosa Coach
Training Provider

Diplomado en Angeloterapia | Diplomado en Registros Akashicos Angelicos | Certificacion Coaching Angelico Espiritual | Curso Numerología y Arcángeles | Diplomado en Constelaciones Familiares y Cuánticas Espirituales …
Global Mental Fitness, Péter Huszáros
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

GLOBAL MENTAL FITNESS INNOVATIVE MEDITATION COURSES! Innovative Mental Fitness exercises for long-lasting mental joy. Holistic training to become the best version of yourself and find inner …
Good Grief Group Ltd
Training Provider

Holistic Grief Coach | …
Goody Moves Inner Awareness Moving Meditation
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

Goody Moves Meditation Coaching, Spiritual Lifestyle Practices And Courses Goody Moves Offers IPHM Accredited Holistic, Spiritual And Therapeutic Lifestyle Practices And Courses designed to assist …
Guru Holistic and Beauty Training
Executive Training Provider

Workshops with personal & practical training A complementary therapist and a teacher of therapies with over 40 courses to choose from. Students return time and time again to add extra skills.
Hadi Abubakar Suleiman
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

Hadi Abubakar Sulaiman Practice, development and promotion of the Practice of Herbal and alternative medicine of Indigenous tribes of Nigeria. Coaching in Alternative and Integrative Medicine In Line …
Happy Human Project Ltd
Training Provider

Happiness and Wellbeing Coach …
Happy Life Academy
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

The mission of the "Happy Life" Academy is to be a modern center for training students in the field of personal and business development, fully harmonized with the generally accepted highest …
Healing 4 Humanity
Executive Training Provider

Healing 4 Humanity The aim of Healing 4 Humanity's work is to bring you into closer attunement with the life-force of Creation, spiritually known as Shakti. Re-establishing this soul bond is the most …
Health Concept Training Academy
Training Provider

Certificate in Vegetarian Nutrition and Cooking (Foundation Level) | Certificate in Vegetarian Nutrition and Cooking (Advanced Level) | Diploma in Natural Health Consultant | Diploma in Dietary Supplement Advisor …
Heather McCabe
Executive Training Provider

Offering Events and workshops in the following: | Crystal healing Certificate | Reiki Level 1 | Reiki Level 2 | Reiki Level 3 Reinvent To ReAlign is a branch of the Complementary Healthcare and …
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

Thérapeute Holistique et Formatrice en Energétique, Je vous accompagne dans votre projet d'évolution personnelle et professionnelle.
High Level Wellness Ltd
Training Provider

CPD One Day Courses In Natural Healing | Diploma In Fire Cupping | Diploma In Healing Remedies | Level 5 Diploma Hijama Cupping And Related Therapies | Multivitamin Injection Course | Specialist Courses In Cupping And Fertility | …
Hilda Madelaine Vallin
Training Provider

Educator for Australian School of Holistic CounsellingHilda Madelaine Vallin is a sub-educator on behalf of Australian School of Holistic Counselling …
Training Provider

Educator for Meformer (+ affiliate Instruire)Holisleren is a sub-educator on behalf of Meformer (+ affiliate Instruire) …
Holistic Life Academy
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

Holistic Life Academy …
Holistic Therapies Training Academy
Corporate Member

Run by IPHM approved Training Provider Karen Ashton - Offering a variety of courses in the following fields: | Massage | Beauty & Nails | Sports Therapy | Complementary Therapies | Business …
Human Project
Executive Training Provider

Human Project offre percorsi individuali e professionali di notevole crescita personale e sviluppo del potenziale umano. L’accademia per motivatori Human Project ® offre un metodo unico ed esclusivo …
Training Provider

Coach E.D.L.A | Praticien E.D.L.A | Thérapeute Holistique | …
Illuminations Training Center Dubai
Executive Training Provider

Services which include yoga/meditation classes, therapy services, workshops, a full-fledged training academy along with corporate wellness offerings, retail products & more. Illuminations, is …
Imogen Bailey - Women's Circle Facilitator Training
Executive Training Provider

Imogen Bailey - Women's Circle Facilitator Training Imogen Bailey founder of Honouring Heart offers accredited quality training in Women’s Circle Facilitation and extensions of this training both in …
In.spire Functional Breathwork
Training Provider

Inspire Functional Breathwork Course - Certified Breath Coach | …
Infinity Training & Coaching
Training Provider

Level 1 Breathwork Facilitator Course | Level 2 Advanced Breathwork Facilitator Training | Cold Water Immersion Facilitator Training | Nervous System Informed Certificate | …
Inner Solas - Caroline Whitworth-Foster
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

Inner Solas - Caroline Whitworth-Foster Hello! If you have been drawn to this page then the universe has sent you to me for a good reason! A little about me: I am qualified with 1st class BA Hons in …
Inner Spiritual Journey
Executive Training Provider

Inner Spiritual Journey Welcome to Inner Spiritual Journey Training Academy offering Holistic Training in Reiki, Indian Head Massage, Life Coach, Meditation Teacher and Level 3 Award in Education and …
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