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IPHM is the ONLY Global Holistic Training Provider Certification Board specialising in high- quality Holistic & Complementary Training Providers
You can use our database of certified Training Providers to help you find who will be right for you, knowing full well that every provider on this list has been through a rigorous process that proves they are tried, tested, and trusted.
You can feel safe in the knowledge that any Training Provider with an IPHM certification can be trusted to deliver a fantastic service, meaning you will feel more at ease and confident when picking the right course and provider for you.
Consider asking the following questions to your training provider: How long have they been in the industry? Do they have a portfolio of their work? What qualifications do they hold? Are there any positive reviews available? How large are the class sizes? Does the training package come with a complete kit? Do they offer ongoing support beyond the training period? Researching these aspects will help you make an informed decision when selecting a training provider.
Gaining sufficient training and experience is crucial for you to feel at ease while performing treatments on your clients. It involves learning the correct techniques and understanding how to handle issues that you may encounter regularly. This knowledge is essential for dealing with clients effectively and ensuring their satisfaction.
Are the courses they offer fully accredited?
It is crucial to ensure that your training provider is fully accredited. We have observed many instances where recently qualified therapists have approached us with qualifications that are not fully accredited, leading to disappointment when we cannot accept them as IPHM approved therapists.
It is therefore recommended that you verify the accreditation status of your course before enroling to avoid such situations. IPHM accredits both the course and the provider as a package. If a course isn't listed on our website, it means it hasn't been assessed or accredited by us. We encourage you to use our website as a reliable resource to check the accreditation status of courses and providers. This ensures that you have peace of mind knowing that the training you're considering meets our standards. Your trust in the quality of education is paramount to us, and we're committed to maintaining transparency and excellence in the courses we accredit.
Training with an IPHM Training Provider:
We will recognise an individual as a professional therapist, should they choose to join us, provided that they have received training from an IPHM accredited trainer.
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Showing 301 to 319 of 319 training providers for Counselling/Coaching:
UEM (University of educational medicine)
Corporate Member

The University of Educational Medicine is a leader of preventive medicine in Russia. We train specialists in preventive medicine and help people take care of their health. The University of …
Università Popolare del Sociale
Executive Training Provider

Università Popolare del Sociale The Università Popolare del Sociale is an Italian Social Promotion Association (Associazione di Promozione Sociale - APS), established in 2012 and registered in the …
Urszula Katarzyna Smolinska
Training Provider

Abbondanza È una Frequenza | Attrai Clienti Come una Calamita | Mastermind Espansione | Metodo MCA Academy …
Valeria Olocco
Training Provider

Angeologia | Couching Holistico | Maestria Reiki | Radiestesia Basica Y Avanzada | Registros Akashicos | Terapeuta Holistico Angélico | …
Vanessa García Oribuenes - Mundo Phi Centro de Estudios energéticos
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

SPANISH Vanessa Gaori ( GARCIA ORIBUENES) Hipnoterapeuta especialista en terapias holísticas y registros akáshicos. Mentora de proyectos holísticos, expansión de redes sociales y creación de cursos …
Veronica Fagan
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

Karuna Reiki | Law Of Attraction | Mental Health First Aider | Mental Health First Aider Course | Usui Reiki Level 1 Self-Healing | Usui Reiki Level 2 Practitioner | Usui Reiki Level 3 Master | Usui Reiki Master Teacher Level | Crystal Healing Practitioner | …
Vicki Rebecca
Training Provider

Sekhem Training | The Me I Want To Be: Simple Shifts To Authentic Wellbeing | Trauma Release | Workshops With Personal & Practical Training In Indian Head Massage | …
Vikki Gadd Crystal Energy Therapy
Executive Training Provider

Welcome to my Soul School, A safe space filled with online learning, love, expertise and a whole lot of Crystal. "The power is always within." Who am I? I’m Vikki Gadd and ever since I found my first …
Executive Training Provider

VIOMATHISIS The VioMathis Academy in Agios Dimitrios (Athens- Greece), was created by a group of people for whom lifelong learning is the means to a better life. Experiencing the constant changes at …
Vivaio Famiglia
Corporate Member

Vivaio Famiglia Vivaio Famiglia è una cooperativa sociale che si occupa di: | Professionisti del settore sociale, educazione, benessere relazionale | Famiglie | Minori | Scuole | Pubblica …
Well College Global
Training Provider

Level 5 Diploma in Nutrition & Health Coaching| Diploma in Coaching for Lifestyle & Wellbeing Management | Certified Women’s Health& Wellness Coaching | Certified Holistic Wellness Coaching | ICF Accredited Certified Coaching Program | Short courses in holistic health nutrition and more …
Wellness Training School
Executive Training Provider

Wellness Training School The Wellness Training School is a school dedicated to teaching others how to bring wellness into their lives and improve on their knowledge on subjects such as bodywork …
Wild Feminine® Facilitator Training
Training Provider

Wild Feminine® Facilitator Training| …
Training Provider

Educator for Meformer (+ affiliate Instruire)Wohlfühlkurse is a sub-educator on behalf of Meformer (+ affiliate Instruire) …
Woodland Healing Academy of Holistic Therapies
Executive Training Provider

Never Stop Working Towards Your Dreams Welcome to Woodland Healing – I'm Jo Spencer-Poole. A Little About Me... I’m a psychotherapist – but what does that really mean, and who am I? I’m a …
Xanthi Tsiouka - Holistic Center
Executive Training Provider

Xanthi Tsiouka - Holistic Center Xanthi Tsiοuka: Xanthi Tsiοuka: Is a Personal and Business Development Counsellor, Consious and Pranayama Breathwork Teacher, Holistic Coach, Usui, Angelic & …
Yoga with Lucy and more!
Executive Training Provider

Adjustments & Supports | Advanced Energy Healing Training | Advanced Yoga Teacher Training | Astrology | Ayurveda | Bandhas | Binds | Breathwork | Cacao Ceremony | Celebration & Ceremony | Chakras | Child & Teen | Coaching Training | Crystals | EFT Tapping | Energy Healing Training Retreat | Human Design | Hypnobirthing & Hyonotherapy | Lucid Dreaming | Mantras | Meditation | Mudras | NLP Coaching | Post Natal & Baby | Pregnancy | Reiki | Reiki 1 (Self Healing) Training | Reiki 2 (Practitioner) Training | Reiki 3 (Master) Training | Reiki 4 (Teacher) Training | Reiki II | Runes | Shamanic Healing | Sound | Special Needs & Elderly | Tea Leaf Reading | Yoga Teacher Training Retreat | …
You.Evolution Academy
Training Provider

Emotional Evolution Coaching | Manifestation Path - Rediscover your uniqueness and realize the highest purpose of your Soul | Meet and make peace with your inner child …
Zohar Bahir
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

My shamanic workshops are experiential events covering the essentials necessary for you to become your own shaman. We will explore the main tenets of shamanism and delve deeply into cross-cultural …
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