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IPHM is the ONLY Global Holistic Training Provider Certification Board specialising in high- quality Holistic & Complementary Training Providers
You can use our database of certified Training Providers to help you find who will be right for you, knowing full well that every provider on this list has been through a rigorous process that proves they are tried, tested, and trusted.
You can feel safe in the knowledge that any Training Provider with an IPHM certification can be trusted to deliver a fantastic service, meaning you will feel more at ease and confident when picking the right course and provider for you.
Consider asking the following questions to your training provider: How long have they been in the industry? Do they have a portfolio of their work? What qualifications do they hold? Are there any positive reviews available? How large are the class sizes? Does the training package come with a complete kit? Do they offer ongoing support beyond the training period? Researching these aspects will help you make an informed decision when selecting a training provider.
Gaining sufficient training and experience is crucial for you to feel at ease while performing treatments on your clients. It involves learning the correct techniques and understanding how to handle issues that you may encounter regularly. This knowledge is essential for dealing with clients effectively and ensuring their satisfaction.
Are the courses they offer fully accredited?
It is crucial to ensure that your training provider is fully accredited. We have observed many instances where recently qualified therapists have approached us with qualifications that are not fully accredited, leading to disappointment when we cannot accept them as IPHM approved therapists.
It is therefore recommended that you verify the accreditation status of your course before enroling to avoid such situations. IPHM accredits both the course and the provider as a package. If a course isn't listed on our website, it means it hasn't been assessed or accredited by us. We encourage you to use our website as a reliable resource to check the accreditation status of courses and providers. This ensures that you have peace of mind knowing that the training you're considering meets our standards. Your trust in the quality of education is paramount to us, and we're committed to maintaining transparency and excellence in the courses we accredit.
Training with an IPHM Training Provider:
We will recognise an individual as a professional therapist, should they choose to join us, provided that they have received training from an IPHM accredited trainer.
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Showing 1 to 30 of 315 training providers for Counselling/Coaching:
Abha Sinha
Executive Training Provider

A Wellbeing Valey by ABHA SINHA Abha Sinha with expertise in mind, emotion, energy and metaphysics. Holistic Integrative Wellbeing Coach, Abha Sinha of Wellbeing Valiy has almost a decade of …
Executive Training Provider

ABILMENTE 53 A.S.D. ABILMENTE 53 è un'associazione sportiva dilettantistica riconosciuta dal CONI con sede in Regione Veneto, che si occupa di Sport - Ricerca e Benessere; organizza periodicamente …
Abracadabra Coaching
Executive Training Provider

Abracadabra Coaching About Abracadabra The approach is grounded, nurturing, and we have fun! Kathryn created Abracadabra Academy with the pure and easy flowing intention of helping as many people as …
Academy of Healing Nutrition
Training Provider

Certificate In Nutrition & Holistic Health Coaching With Online & In-Person Options Available | Different Constitutional Body Types | Practical Cooking For Radiant Health & Longevity | Topics Covered Include: An Introduction To Natural Healing | Understanding Traditional Chinese Medicine And Food Energetics | …
Academy of Infinity (PVT) Ltd.
Training Provider

Acupuncture | Advanced Sport Massage | Certificate In Herbal Drugs Manufacturing | Certificate In Marma Therapy In Ayurveda | Cosmetology | Diploma In Acupuncture | Diploma In Ayurveda Beauty Therapy | Diploma In Reflexology Massage | Diploma In Remedial Massage & Aromatherapy | Diploma In Yoga Training & Management | Dry Needling Workshop | Food And Nutrition - NVQ Level 04 | IASTM Workshop | Rehabilitation Counselling | Rehabilitation Counselling Cupping Workshop | Sport Massage Therapy - NVQ Level 04 | Sport Masseur – NVQ L-4 | Taping Workshop | Cupping Therapy | …
Academy of Modern Shamanism
Training Provider

Foundation Weekend | Online Accredited Professional Trainings (With Optional in Person Masterclass Retreats) | Shamanic Practitioner & Energy Healer | Shamanic Space Clearing & Geomancy Consultant | Six-Month Practitioner Training | Twelve-Month Advanced Practitioner Training | …
Accademia Olistica dell'Anima
Executive Training Provider

Accademia Olistica dell'Anima L'unica Accademia femminile certificata di Spiritualità e Crescita personale attraverso Sciamanesimo, Registri Akashici e Cristalli.
Active Health Group
Executive Training Provider

Active Health Group Established in 2000, Active Health Group have consistently provided the highest quality training in Health, Therapy, Wellness and Coaching. Our wide portfolio includes online and …
Aics Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecniche Olistiche
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

Welcome! I'm Graziano Scarascia, dedicated to enhancing holistic well-being through a blend of clinical psychology, alternative therapies, and martial arts. With over 35 years of experience, I …
Alchemicha Coach
Training Provider

Energetic Wellness Practitioner Alchemicha | Life Coach Alchemicha | Maestro Alchemicha | Runologo Alchemicha | …
Aldeia NeuroBehaviour Institute
Training Provider

Complete Neurofeedback and Behaviour Practitioner Course | Introduction to Neurofeedback and Behaviour Practitioner Course | Spotting Struggles: A Teacher’s Guide to Supporting Students in Need | The Brain, Senses and Behaviour …
Executive Training Provider

AlmaHolistica The services that I provide are with love and the value of exchange. You will also be able to find the biggest upcoming events (the small workshops you will be able to know when the …
Alternative Medicine College of Canada
Training Provider

Bio-Energetician | Homeopath | Natural Health Practitioner | Naturopath | Nutritherapy | …
Amayris Rodriguez
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

Amayris Rodriguez, Coach in the holistic field. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, certified in: | Healing Reiki Therapy© | Access Consciousness Bars | Yogasoul Energy Movement© (Trauma …
Andra Pintican
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

Career Counselling Training - Qualification: Career Reframing Counsellor | Master Program Transformative Hr - Qualification Human Relevance Strategist | Metoda Rost | Purposeful Method - Purpose Seeker | …
Angelis Holistic Therapies
Executive Training Provider

ANGELIS HOLISTIC THERAPIES Angelis Holistic Therapies offers a safe haven away from the stress and strain of living in our fast paced, hectic world. Come and join us in the tranquil setting of Mid …
Anita Das Training Academy
Executive Training Provider

Anita Das Training Academy Welcome, and Namaste! Thank you for visiting my profile - I love being a dynamic multi-dimensional high vibrational frequency catalyst, channel, energetic harmoniser …
Anna Scott Coaching Training Academy
Training Provider

CBT Associate Life Coach Diploma | CBT For Depression, Anxiety And Phobias Diploma, EQ Mastery Coach | NLP | Reiki 2 Practitioner | Silent Counselling | Understand Your Superhero | …
Annette Brown School
Executive Training Provider

Workshops with personal & practical training in Hypnotherapy Training, NLP, EFT, Mindfulness, EMDR, Coaching and Law of Attraction. Hello, my name is Annette Brown and I’ve been a therapist for …
Aqua Education Academy
Executive Training Provider

Get Ready, get Set and Grow with Aqua Education Academy. We are passionate Educators and Therapists, raising awareness with Professionals and Parents, to discover the layers of learning in the …
Ariane Laberge - EVOLUM formations
Training Provider

Deviens Facilitateur de Constellations Familiales - Become a facilitator of Family Constellation | …
Art-Therapy Center
Executive Training Provider

ABOUT: Our group of dedicated holistic therapists offer: -workshops with personal & practical training in Shamanic Energy Healing/Reiki -along with a wide range of personal & …
Ashwani Deswal International
Executive Training Provider

Ashwani Deswal International is a vision-driven, result-oriented training company driven by the powerful principle of ethics and value for people. Ashwani Deswal -Self Mastery Coach, is the best life …
Executive Training Provider

ASSOCIAZIONE ELENA PERRONE R.R.E.S. R.R.E.S. Elena Perrone è un’Associazione no profit che si occupa dell’insegnamento della Radiestesia, della Radionica e più in generale del mondo delle Energie …
Australian School of Holistic Counselling
Executive Training Provider

Start a new career as a Neuro Coach, Meditation Therapist, Stress Management Consultant or Holistic Counsellor/ Coach, or add a new dimension to your existing career! Australian School Of Holistic …
Avril Gill Coach Training
Training Provider

Transformational Wellbeing Coach Certification | Reinventing YOU from the inside out- Wellbeing Foundation Certification | Practitioner Blended Diploma In Hypnotherapy & NLP | Life Coach Certification …
Awakening Prema
Executive Training Provider

Awakening Prema Ana Palma & Renato Koch are the trainers in Awakening Prema with 20 years of experience in Meditation, Yoga, Energy Healing, Sound Healing and Breathwork connecting the knowledge …
Ayurveda Mother and Infant
Executive Training Provider

Art Of Wholesome Eating Online Training | Ayurdoula Online Training | Ayurvedic Theory Online Training | Baby Massage Online Coaching | Preconception Online Training | …
Azri Aziza
Executive Training Provider

Azri Aziza Haute Ecole de Femmes Humaines et Conscientes Spécialisée dans la compréhensions des problèmes de scolarité des enfants 3-6 ans 6-12 ans 12-15 ans 15-18 ans, formations, coaching scolaire …
Executive Training Provider

BEATRIZ ADRIANA LOPEZ Cursos acreditados por IPHM: | Formación Angeloterapeutas | Formación Lectores De Oráculo Angelical | Sanación Con Péndulo | Sales Energéticas | Limpias Energéticas | Terapia De …
Apply Now for IPHM Accreditation.