Biolistix Formations insured
Executive Training Provider

Courses Offered:
We, at BIOLISTIX believe strongly in the power of knowledge of health, and this, in its entirety and especially that these notions are accessible to all. Through high-level training that is adequately popularized, we want to open the doors to those who wish to optimize their personal and professional knowledge. Whether you intend to make a career in the fields of; naturopathy, herbal medicine, coaching or helping relationship, to follow continuous training at your own pace or to hone your skills if you are already a therapist. This accredited and recognized training platform is ideal for you!
In addition, if you are thirsty for knowledge for personal purposes or to take charge of your health, your children and your loved ones, you will have access to training that can be carried out as a free auditor. This allows you to deepen your thirst for curiosity and knowledge. We salute and respect your intentions to become better therapists and better informed human beings.
All our training is available remotely via our platform.
No matter where you are in the world, it is possible to maximize your knowledge from the comfort of your living room or office.
the name of the training school comes from "bio" for biochemistry and "listix" for holistic which, taken as a whole, means "impact of emotions on the body".
Please visit our Website or Facebook Page for more information
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