BDevine insured
Premium Training Provider & Practitioner

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BDevine® Is an International Accredited Executive Training Provider of Holistic Medicine & Executive Practitioner Internationally!
Through my courses, you too can gain accreditation!
In a world filled with charlatans and false prophets, BDevine® stands tall as the guiding light for those seeking authentic spiritual knowledge. Gone are the days of empty promises and shallow rituals. BDevine® beckons you to embark upon a transformative journey that delves deep into the mysteries of the universe.
With a heart filled with compassion and a mind steeped in wisdom, BDevine® has dedicated a lifetime to unraveling the secrets of holistic medicine and spiritual enlightenment. This luminary being has traversed numerous continents, delving into the ancient practices of civilizations long forgotten. Through countless hours of meditation, study, and practice, BDevine® has become a master practitioner of various healing modalities.
But this spiritual sage is not content with hoarding her knowledge. Instead, BDevine® is driven by an inexorable calling to share her divine wisdom with the world. Armed with an arsenal of accredited courses, BDevine® empowers individuals to tap into their innate healing abilities and illuminate their true potential. No longer will you be confined by the limitations of modern medicine or rely on dubious fortune tellers. Instead, BDevine® invites you to bask in the radiant glow of ancient wisdom and reclaim your sovereignty.
Light Leaders Academy-Semester 1-3 | Devine Tarot 101 | Attraction Reiki | Imara Reiki | Reiki Master | Angelic Guidance | Viking Reiki | Blue Moon Isis Reiki | Shamanic Healing | Full Spectrum Healing | Ascended masters | Golden Triangle Reiki | Fairy Reiki | Sacred Breathe Reiki | Past Life Regression Therapy | Channeling | Psychic Development | Mediumship | The Destiny Code 1&2 | Soul Contracts & The Lords of karma | Angels & Guides
The world needs a new way of looking at spirituality, and no more hocus pocus!
BDevine® has channelled thousands of methods on healing and spiritual practices, and is now offering to teach you all the right way - the way we have always known, as ancient light beings.
With over 30 years experience worldwide in all forms of spirituality & healing!
Twisted and egotistical unhealed "psychics healers" have almost ruined the Spiritual world today. Not to mention FAKE "fortune tellers" & "Psychic/mediums" who pray on your information and grief, and message you with computerised readings. They also offer to "Cast Spells" and don't empower you to be free to heal things YOURSELF!! This problem can only exist if nobody changes it. BDevine® wants to help the world change and heal, as it was always meant to be. YOU are a part of the great change. YOU have a mission that is bigger than you can imagine! The time is now!!
BDevine® feels that she has been entrusted by higher celestial beings of light, to share the ancient ways, and the ways of the 12D realities, and incorporate this knowledge and healing, into your life, safely, easily and with much life changing force-you will not be able to stop the changes that happen in your lives!
BDevine® teaches that YOU are the same channel! YOU have always had it within you! YOU can have the life you have always wanted!
Become a LIGHT LEADER instead of always "WORKING" and teach others to do the same.
You will become so confident and supported as you move forward! WE must be the change and bring back the wellness and abilities that lay dormant within you.
BDevine® offers personal in depth readings, healing, teaching, art and more!
Author of the book “Angelic Guidance” & “Domino Angels” oracle cards.
Principal /Owner/Teacher-Light Leaders Academy Healing | Reiki Master | Huna Reiki | Celtic Reiki | Golden Triangle Reiki | Blue Moon Isis Reiki | Lemurian Seed Practitioner | Sacred Breathe Reiki | Attraction Reiki | Psychic Reiki | Dragon Reiki | Viking Reiki | Shamanic Healer | QHHT Level 2 | Author/Teacher -Angelic Guidance | Devine Tarot 101 | Channeling | Spiritual Timeline Healing | Full Karmic Release | Soul Star Healing |
Lords of Karma dispensations | Healing Consultations and therapy | Mentoring | Angelic Guidance | Astrology Readings | Personal readings | Akashic Records
Take a look at my website for more information.
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