Susan Dukarm
Executive Practitioner

Therapies Offered:
Explore the World of Well-Being
My path has been marked by a lifelong struggle with food and self-image, which led me down the road of disordered eating, anxiety, and a persistent sense of inadequacy.
Just like you, I've been on a journey - one filled with twists, turns, and discoveries.
My path began with a lifelong struggle with food and self-image. I've wrestled with disordered eating, battled anxiety, and faced a constant sense of inadequacy. But in the midst of these challenges, I found hope. Finding and healing the root cause has given me a live of true health and happiness.
For me, food has become a love language, no longer a trigger - and I'm excited to share my passion with you and your loved ones. Thank you for being here. Together, we can embark on a journey to better health and well-being. If you're ready to take the next step, I invite you to schedule a consultation with me. Let's make a change that lasts.
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