Janett Lee Wawrzyniak insured

Executive Practitioner

Janett Lee Wawrzyniak IPHM


United States
live chat when online at: square box with white dot at: https://wawrzyniak96.wixsite.com/mysite


Therapies Offered:

Goddess Metatreiya Light Silent Distant Energy Session Intuitive Healer Attunement META Metatronia Energy Therapist Attunement

Janett Lee Wawrzyniak

My Therapy at Metatron Attunements - is Divine Alignments Healing - Attunements, Distant Worldwide by Source Light. High Quantum Source Light, as Janett Wawrzyniak, Ph.D., Source Path, MT Metaphysician/Goddess Metatreiya Energy Trainer/Master Healer/Attuner/Intuitive Healer/Animal Healer/Child Practitioner/Massage Practitioner.

I am a Higher Centre Communicator & Scribe as a path link with the Divine Universal Light as Psychic Teacher, Alchemical Energist, and High Quantum Energy Healer. I offer training and assist those on their Ascension Journey path of enlightenment to know for themselves, the Divine truth through the light of the One Source and Universal Coding at Metatron Attunements - Divine Alignments Healing - Attunements, Distant by Source Light.

Therapies Available:

  • Fully Accredited - META Metatronia Energy Therapist Attunement - Silent Distant Source Light Practitioner/Therapist Course. The Metatronia Energy Therapist Attunement is a simple distant Attunement that will connect you with Archangel Metatron’s Divine Light and guidance, as your senses may detect.
  • Fully Accredited - Intuitive Healer Attunement - Silent Distant Source Light Practitioner/Therapist Course. Prepares the vessel through Source Light integration so that we can access higher states of, not only awareness, but reconnection to our innate gifts that we have as Human Beings.
  • Fully Accredited - Goddess Metatreiya Light Silent Distant Energy Session. Goddess Metatreiya energy supports additional physical combinations of our earthly dynamics a joining of both frequencies.
  • Goddess Metatreiya Light Silent Distant Energy Session - Goddess Metatreiya energy supports additional physical combinations of our earthly dynamics a joining of both frequencies,

On my website with clickable titles and blog there is further written information at no cost, It is not energy healing it is alignment to Source.  There are also Lightworker intelligence news link updates and additional energy fluctuations expected, many supporting Scientific entries and links also are available with new entries added.

Please visit my home page for more information. Thank you and hope that you may find my content so interesting.

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