Cheri Shandra Miederhoff
Therapies Offered:
Holistic Nutrition:
Helping people achieve full body wellness by focusing on emotional well-being as well as nutritional health. I help individuals needing guidance on chronic pain, gut health, thyroid balance, PCOS, metabolic weight loss, weight gain and dysfunctional eating.
Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Specialist:
Using various modalities, I help victims of narcissistic abuse understand covert abuse, what it does to victims, identify emotions and how to process and heal from the trauma. I use somatic and energy healing to guide victims to their recovery, in addition to other powerful tools to aid in their recovery.
Spiritual Coach, Trauma Recovery and Energy Healing:
I guide clients on their spiritual journey, educating them on spirituality; providing healing techniques as they navigate through inner child wounds, purging pain and elevating emotionally.
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