Fracking is emerging as one of the greatest threats to health and the environment that has been seen for some time. It is inconcievable that those in government are unaware of the dangers that this technology presents, especially as these are well documented in areas where it has been going on for some time. In spite of this there is very little coverage of these problems in the mainstream media, and the corporations who stand to profit from this technology are proceeding as fast as they can to expand their operations.
Here is a link to an organisation campaigning for greater awareness about fracking - - this site gives a good introduction to fracking, along with resources for those wishing to find our more and get actively involved with campaigning and spreading information. The pages can be a bit slow to load, so allow a few seconds if you have a slow connection.

Photos used under Creative Commons from visual_paradox, SFB579 Namaste, deivid_850, Conny Sandland, Canto alla Moraia, 8ShroomFairy8, BioDivLibrary, OctopusHat, Elin B, mcfarlandmo