Fortune Telling
Palmistry is the art of telling fortune by studying the palm of your hand. It is also known as chiromancy,palm reading and hand analysis. Palm reading can trace its roots as far back as ancient Greece, since both Hypocrites and Galen were using palmistry as a health aid. The most widely recognized palmistry tradition is rooted in Greek mythology. Each area of the palm and all fingers are related to a Greek god or goddess. An example of this would be the ring finger, which is associated with the Greek god Apollo and therefore the ring finger is associated with art, music and harmony.
There are three distinct lines on the palm a palmist will check: the heart line, the head line and the life line. Lines as well as bumps are read based on their size, quality and intersection. The heart line is located towards the top of the palm and runs from under the little finger towards the thumb. This line represents heart related matters such as emotions and love as well as cardiac health itself. This line is located horizontally above the head line.
The head line, located below the heart line, runs from between the index finger and thumb towards the outside of the palm. This line represents your mind, and deals with your beliefs, approach to life and mentality. It can also point towards a tendency to either a creative or analytical approach to life (right brain vs. left brain).
The life line runs from the bottom the palm towards the index finger. Although this line represents the physical health and general well-being of a person, it is not used to judge an overall life expectancy. This line can reflect major changes such as life changing events and even physical injuries. A long deep life line represents vitality and health; a short, but still deep life line, represents vitality and the ability to conquer health problems. A shallow short life line indicates an individual who is easily controlled by others.
There are also other lines that are read, the fate line, near the wrist; the sun line, under the ring finger, and travel lines located opposite the thumb at the bottom of the palm. By evaluating a person's hand, a palmist can determine many things about that person, and also predict their future. Take the opportunity to have your palm read by a professional, you might be surprised exactly how much your hand can tell you about yourself.
Courses in palmistry - Accredited by iphm, aadp