Welcoming aesthetic beauty treatment specialist, Michele Hurst
It’s time for another IPHM member interview!! And this time we meet Michele Hurst, an award winning aesthetic beauty treatment specialist from Essex, UK.
Hi Michele, thanks so much for getting involved in our interviews, we really appreciate your time. Tell us, what were you doing before you decided to train in aesthetics?
I was a Mental Health Nurse working in the community. I carried out mental health assessments, counselling and various treatments which I found challenging and interesting.
Although I enjoyed nursing and raising my children, I was looking for a new challenge.
So what made you decide to change direction, and how did you go about it?
In early 2017 I went along for a High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) treatment and I got chatting to the Director of the company, Lucia. She was impressed with my nursing background and general confidence and asked if I would work for her.
It was arranged to put me up in a hotel in Windsor for 6 nights whilst I trained up in HIFU, Cavitation, Radio Frequency Skin Tightening and Fat Freezing. Then I was ready to get to work.
You now have your own business New Contours 4U. How long did it take you to set up on your own, and what kind of treatments do you offer?
It was about 9 months after getting going that I decided to branch out and start my own business. In December 2017 I set up in a treatment room in Brentwood Essex, and I haven't looked back since.
I offer a wide variety of treatments; HIFU Face and Neck Lifts, HIFU Tummy Lifts, Plasma Eyelid Lift, Fat Freezing, RF Skin Tightening, Cavitation Lip, and so many more.
Wow, you cover a huge spectrum! Would you say you have a favourite treatment to perform, and if so what is it, and why?
My favourite treatment is the HIFU Face and Neck Lift because the results are always so good and can take years off the client with just one treatment. It's lovely to see my customers' reactions and know that I've made a difference to their confidence and self esteem.
Whatever treatment a customer wants they are treated confidentially and professionally. I've built my business through a reputation of great customer service. It's important to me to go out of my way to solve each customer's issues in a friendly and confident way. It's nice to gain their trust, and know that they're spreading the word because of the results they get.
Thanks so much for choosing IPHM for your business accreditation. What made you decide to become a member, and what has being accredited done for you?
I joined the IPHM because you come across as a professional organisation that not only ensures clients get the very best treatments, but that therapists are highly trained and respected practitioners in their field. It's important to me to have that mark of excellence, so I am constantly updating my qualifications to stay on top of new advancements in Aesthetics.
Being accredited with the IPHM also gives my clients peace of mind that I will always be professional with them when I undertake their treatments, as well as a highly respected trainer in treatments too.
We're really pleased that you're feeling the benefit Michele. How's business going for you, and what are you most proud of?
I'm really happy with how the business has grown considerably by word of mouth. Social media has played a big part too.
In terms of being proud, well earlier this year I won two beauty awards from Lux Life Health and Beauty & Wellness. I was winner of the 'Beauty Treatments & Training Provider Essex' and also 'Recognised Leader in HIFU Treatments 2019'
For me though, it's all about customer feedback and the satisfaction of a job well done. I had the pleasure of doing a HIFU treatment on Gemma Collins and she was over the moon with her results.

That's a bit of a claim to fame!! Fantastic! What does the future hold for New Contours 4U?
I'm excited about the future as I have plans to expand both in terms of the treatments I provide and also in training others.
I'm writing up some more courses to offer other aspiring therapists; this is a passion for me.
Given the experience you've had, and the success you've enjoyed, what tips do you have for anyone wanting to start out?
I'd have to say 'Just go for it'! There are a lot of free courses run by the government, funded by the EU. They can help you set up in business, create a website and learn about digital marketing which is not necessarily the passion that gets us going, but is essential in building your business. I highly recommend them.
Thanks so much for that, there are so many therapists out there who'd love to turn their passion into a business but lack the business know-how, so this is helpful to share.
To end on a light note, what's the funniest thing that's happened to you as a therapist?
Well, confidentiality and professionalism are too important to me to share too much! But I love it when a client is ticklish, usually in the face or neck area, I can't help giggle with them.
You've got me wondering now! Thanks so much for sharing your experience, we're so pleased to play a small part in your business.
If you're in or around Brentwood Essex and would love to try New Contours 4U you can find Micheles contact details here: Contours 4U
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